You may have seen Ateeq Hussain's previous interviews, podcasts, and work with the organisations on this page.

About Us

Ateeq Hussain BSc, and his journey from a dessert shop owner to a food addiction therapist and advocate is deeply personal. With a background in biology and years of experience in the food industry, he once took pride in creating some of the most indulgent desserts and milkshakes for Muslims in Huddersfield and didn't realise the damage those "treats" were causing to himself and his community. Like many, he struggled with intense food cravings and unhealthy habits that led to weight gain and a lack of energy. It wasn't until he decided to dig deeper into the science behind food addiction that he began to understand how the processed food industry manipulates our cravings, making it nearly impossible to say no.Through his journey of breaking free from these cravings, he's developed The Barakah Blueprint To Weight Loss that is helping countless Muslim families to regain control over their eating habits. He's dedicated to helping Muslims protect their physical, mental and spiritual health from the dangers of fake, hyper-processed foods. He's also authoring a book, Fit for Consumption, which is all about arming Muslims in the UK with the knowledge and tools to safeguard their health from the deceptive tactics of the food industry. His mission is to simplify food and fitness so that you can enjoy life without being a slave to your cravings, and live healthier for longer, insha'Allah.


Babrul, 40
Father of 3
Investor, England

Grounded in uniquely unconventional sustainable and practical wisdom. Ateeq adds the dimension of spiritual intelligence. Small yet highly effective changes for a modern busy professional.

I never thought transforming my health could be this empowering! The program has been a game changer for me. From understanding the deep connections between my eating habits and spirituality to practical science backed solutions, this journey has been eye opening.

Yannick, 35
Father of 2
Treasurer, France

Abdul, 53
Father of 3
Retail, Scotland

Ateeq's personalised approach, rooted in science and mindful living, made the entire process enjoyable. Within a few months I shed 10KG and more importantly, It's not a crash diet it's a lifestyle shift. The program extends beyond the physical, encompassing mental and spiritual wellbeing. It's holistic and that's what makes the difference.Nourished Souls has empowered me to lead a life of vitality, and for that, I'm immensely grateful.

"Ateeq's been a very encouraging influence, always looking to support in any way he can and super passionate about the cause, to help brothers master their health. Through his approach I've found his passion to be infectious to the point where I am now taking it seriously and learning to love myself more, and making much better decisions as a result. The approach is slow and steady, soft and sensible, so it doesn't feel overwhelming. And alhamdulillah the results are getting there, already 7kg down and much better habits in place.
I am finally confident about achieving results in an area I've not had much success in for many years."

Faz, 39
Father of 3
Entrepreneur, England

Sami, 49
Father of 2
Researcher, Scotland

The yo-yo effect has seen me lose and gain weight throughout the years. The methods in this program are distilled down to the absolute basics and is easy to maintain. No expensive gym membership or even having to leave the house. Absolutely essential program for the modern man.

Brother Ateeq takes passion in what he does. He shows great zeal in his approach and always has helpful advice for you especially when you have those "off days". Believe me, I've had many of those. Always there to motivate you and get the best out of you.

Ash, 37
Father of 3
Administrator, England

Majid, 34
Father of 3
Teacher, England

Alhamdulillah, the BEYOND program has helped me keep myself in check. Got a boost in confidence by sharing the "small wins" and also lots of encouragement when efforts began to dip.